Thank you for your interest in our Corgis!
I am excited to announce that we are expecting a spring/summer litter, and are currently accepting reservations!! If you are interested in more info and availability, please reach out. Email is the best way to contact us, due to poor cell phone reception.
Important Note on shipping: Due to the still crazy -post covid - world we live in, shipping is still Currently unavailable. We are asking families to plan to pick up your puppy, as shipping is just too uncertain and risky, at this time with limited flights, limited staffing, careless handling and too many mistakes being made.. We love our puppies and are unwilling to risk shipping a puppy at this time. If you would like to adopt a puppy from us, and are too far to drive in, we have a couple of options. We are 1 hour from both Columbus and Dayton. Some families prefer to fly in and drive home with puppy. Other families prefer to fly in and fly home with puppy as a carryon. I would be happy to help you with planning either!
But until further notice we will need our families to plan for pickups only.
Thank you for understanding.