Indian Creek Corgis
Indian Creek Corgis - DeGraff, OH

Meet Our Corgi Crew :

Have you ever met that one dog that you just knew was special, from the very beginning? This is Butter! What can I say, Butter is the all-time favorite Corgi ever! From being our school’s adopted mascot; and filming promo videos, commercials, and photo shoots, to just being a beloved part of our family. He has the "old school" corgi, original heavy working farm dog build, that I just love. He is extremely smart, quick, and willing to do just about anything that is asked of him, without hesitation. His puppies are much of the same, and have made a huge splash all across the US. Including the “famous”, Loaf The Corgi, in New York City!


 This is Scout! Scout comes to us from Teresa Rose, in North Carolina. His pedigree is champion packed, and it shows both inside and out. He is bred for the modern show look. With a near perfect conformation, and second to none disposition, we expect big things from this little guy! He loves attention, and is the lap dog of the family! And he is already giving Butter a run for his money, as his daughter Minion has quickly risen to fame and has stolen the hearts of everyone, in the big city! Scout is extremely impressive!


This is Rosie! Rosie comes to us from Missouri. Rosie is our professional snoop!! She enthusiastically enjoys investigating everything she can possibly stick her nose into! She is always in the middle, and Ms. Rosie Posie is just a total bundle of fun!! 

​Meet Twinkle....our little STAR!!  Twinkie is an Indian Creek Girl! She a is Butter x Alice, and definitely took after both. She looks like mom, acts like both mom and dad, and we absolutely adore her! She is a total clown, a super sweetheart, and the fastest dog in the field always returning back to sit on my feet...just like dad!

Our dogs are a huge part of our family. Every one of our dogs have been hand picked, from top lines from all over the US, or have been bred and raised by us, stemming from top lines. They are champion pedigreed and beautiful both inside and out! Health, Disposition, and Breed Standard, are the fundamental building blocks of our breeding program. We believe in educating ourselves and educating our puppy families, and we strive to uphold and better the breed.

Meet our newest Corgi Crew Member!! This is Cowboy!! Cowboy comes to us from Teresa Rose, in North Carolina. We are super excited for Cowboy! His pedigree too is champion packed! He is simply gorgeous and darn near the definition of the perfect corgi. He has already stolen everyone's heart, and being quite the clown he will do anything for a laugh!! We are super excited to introduce this huge little member of our family!! We expect big things for him!


​Meet Trixie!! Trixie is an Indian Creek girl, from Sadie x Scout! She is super sweet like mom, but definitely took after dad! Although she had her serious face on for picture day, her absolute favorite thing to do is simply goof off! She is a super sweetheart and stunningly beautiful red headed tri!

​Meet Sunny!! Sunny is an Indian Creek girl from Sadie x Scout! Sunny is a spitting image of her mother both inside and out. And just like mom, she is the absolute sweetest corgi you will ever meet! Constant smiles and Kisses, kisses, kisses, from her always!

​Meet Sugar!! Sugar is an Indian Creek girl from Muffin x Scout! Sugar is such a beautiful girl! She pretends to be shy, but is definitely a super sweetheart and professional "wiggle butt", just like her mother! And also just like her mother, her expressions are always priceless! That face!!

  The Girls :